Monday, April 7, 2008

Joey Dorsey, we'll miss you

Tonight will be Joey Dorsey's last college basketball game. I just want to be one more in a long line of Tiger fans to say "Thank you, Joey" for being such an important part of this team and for being such a great Memphian while you've been here. Thanks for the memories, and I wish you the very best in your post-college life.

The senior-night tribute to Joey Dorsey. You'll also find several other great videos of some memorable Joey Dorsey dunks.

Just one more game. Go Tigers Go!

I've got a lot of catching up to do, but of course, the No. 1 thing on my mind today--our Memphis Tigers competing for a national championship this evening. Naturally, I'm more than a bit nervous, but I'm also so confident in this team that I really believe we're going to win it all. I'm so happy for the players and coaching staff that they're FINALLY getting the national recognition and respect they deserve. Their run in this tournament has been phenomenal, and people can no longer ignore this team or credit luck with the Tigers making it this far.

But there are also still plenty of naysayers. One of the most awful, mean-spirited sports columns I've ever read was in the L.A. Times this weekend. Bill Plaschke declared that the UCLA-Memphis game would be a coaching mismatch (in favor of Ben Howland, of course) and was just flat-out cruel in talking about John Calipari.

Following the U of M rout of UCLA, Plaschke admitted how wrong he was, but I have to wonder what would have possessed him to write such a scathing story about a Final Four coach in the first place. I'm sure he didn't make any friends on the UCLA campus with his Cal-bashing, Memphis bulletin-board column.

I know I plan to watch Around the Horn on ESPN this afternoon to hear what Plaschke has to say for himself (if he shows up). I hope the other guys really let him have it. He deserves it.

Also, one of my all-time favorite Tiger video clips is now the CDR dunk that sat down Kevin Love and got Joey Dorsey finger-pointing. Check it out at You Got Dunked On.

I'm baaaaaccccckkkkkk!

Wow, it's been over a month since my last post. I just sort of figured no one was reading, so why bother writing? However, a few people have asked me about this blog in the last couple of weeks, so maybe I pulled the plug too soon. I'm going to give this another shot. Feel free to comment or email me ( if there's something you'd like to say.