Monday, April 7, 2008

Joey Dorsey, we'll miss you

Tonight will be Joey Dorsey's last college basketball game. I just want to be one more in a long line of Tiger fans to say "Thank you, Joey" for being such an important part of this team and for being such a great Memphian while you've been here. Thanks for the memories, and I wish you the very best in your post-college life.

The senior-night tribute to Joey Dorsey. You'll also find several other great videos of some memorable Joey Dorsey dunks.

Just one more game. Go Tigers Go!

I've got a lot of catching up to do, but of course, the No. 1 thing on my mind today--our Memphis Tigers competing for a national championship this evening. Naturally, I'm more than a bit nervous, but I'm also so confident in this team that I really believe we're going to win it all. I'm so happy for the players and coaching staff that they're FINALLY getting the national recognition and respect they deserve. Their run in this tournament has been phenomenal, and people can no longer ignore this team or credit luck with the Tigers making it this far.

But there are also still plenty of naysayers. One of the most awful, mean-spirited sports columns I've ever read was in the L.A. Times this weekend. Bill Plaschke declared that the UCLA-Memphis game would be a coaching mismatch (in favor of Ben Howland, of course) and was just flat-out cruel in talking about John Calipari.

Following the U of M rout of UCLA, Plaschke admitted how wrong he was, but I have to wonder what would have possessed him to write such a scathing story about a Final Four coach in the first place. I'm sure he didn't make any friends on the UCLA campus with his Cal-bashing, Memphis bulletin-board column.

I know I plan to watch Around the Horn on ESPN this afternoon to hear what Plaschke has to say for himself (if he shows up). I hope the other guys really let him have it. He deserves it.

Also, one of my all-time favorite Tiger video clips is now the CDR dunk that sat down Kevin Love and got Joey Dorsey finger-pointing. Check it out at You Got Dunked On.

I'm baaaaaccccckkkkkk!

Wow, it's been over a month since my last post. I just sort of figured no one was reading, so why bother writing? However, a few people have asked me about this blog in the last couple of weeks, so maybe I pulled the plug too soon. I'm going to give this another shot. Feel free to comment or email me ( if there's something you'd like to say.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Grim Day In Memphis

It’s a sad day in Memphis in light of last night’s grisly discovery of six people dead in a Binghampton home. While relatively little is known about the victims, apparently two of the dead are children under the age of five. Three more children were critically injured and are now fighting for their lives at Le Bonheur Children’s Medical Center.

Unfortunately, rumors are already starting to circulate about the victims and the nature of the crime. Speculation is somewhat natural in such a tragic situation, but the internet allows innuendo to gain a life of its own.

Let’s wait for the police and legitimate media to give us more information instead of making assumptions. The families of the victims have enough grief to deal with and shouldn’t be subjected to rumors about loved ones they just lost. And regardless of what the investigation turns up, please keep in mind that five innocent children have been killed or seriously injured in this case.

Nothing is more heartbreaking or senseless than the murder of a child.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Panhandling and Memphis

The issue of panhandling in Memphis is receiving much media attention lately. The Center City Commission recently began a campaign to discourage people from giving money to panhandlers, warning that “handouts do not help the needy.”

Many downtown residents have come out strongly in favor of the campaign, saying that many of those panhandling are not homeless but have found a lucrative way to make easy money. They also say that the panhandlers are often aggressive, potentially violent and downright scary. Both Smart City Memphis and downtown resident Paul Ryburn have taken up the issue, and offers a humorous look at panhandling.

Others understandably worry that we could be criminalizing the homeless and instead urge compassion toward the panhandlers, advocating that money be spent toward mental health and housing programs to help those in need.

Commercial Appeal fashion editor Barbara Bradley recently wrote an opinion column on the issue, saying beggars are a blight for downtown.

The CA’s Hot Button focused on the issue yesterday, asking readers to weigh in on the subject.

I don’t live in downtown Memphis and I’m not a tourist, so my firsthand knowledge of panhandling in Memphis is scarce. I avoid driving during rush hour and am rarely downtown during normal working hours. When I do visit downtown—usually for sporting events, theater or dining on weekends--I rarely if ever see people panhandling for money. My personal experience might lead me to believe that the problem is overblown.

However, after reading firsthand accounts from many downtown residents and workers and realizing how strongly they feel about the issue, I’m inclined to believe that this is a serious problem. I also believe that a team approach with many local agencies working together to identify and solve the root causes of homelessness, all of Memphis will benefit.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

In like a lamb...

Today is a gorgeous day in Memphis—62 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Spring is still three weeks away, but one step outdoors will make you believe it’s already here.

Our little family took advantage of the nice weather to spend a little time outside, riding bikes, taking a walk and looking over the yard and garden. Though I'm still very much a novice gardener and our lawn is more weeds than grass, the thought of spring brings fresh hope that we'll finally get it right this year.

I finally convinced my husband to prune our crepe myrtles, and I’m going to start weeding and prepping some beds, but I'll resist the temptation to put in any bedding plants or sow any seeds.

Remember last year’s Easter frost? I put a few begonias in our window boxes mid-March, then I spent Easter weekend covering them up. I was lucky and saved them, but I’m not going to take the chance again this year.

But Tax Day--April 15, the traditional “safe date” to plant after threat of frost--just can’t get here soon enough.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Way to go, Commodores!

Tonight, I have become the world’s biggest Vandy fan!


Monday, February 25, 2008

A Good Loss?

Like many University of Memphis fans, I’ve been depressed for the last two days. The Tigers’ loss to Tennessee was pretty devastating, and I’ve been unable to read the newspaper or any other recap of the game or watch it again (recorded on our DVR). I can’t really even bring myself to think or talk about it. Right now I’m still in the denial phase, but I’ll hold onto the newspapers and save the game for when I finally reach the acceptance stage.

The one thing I have been able to read regarding the game is a post on The Sport Soup titled, “Is there such a thing as a good loss?

With the streaks and the undefeated season now a thing of the past, hopefully the team and our fans can now focus on job No. 1—bringing hope a national championship.

Go Tigers Go!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's finally GAME DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The hours are going by pretty slowly as the city and state eagerly await the 8 p.m. (CST) tip-off between the No. 1 Memphis Tigers and No. 2 Tennessee Vols. I'm just too psyched to write, and there's not really much left to say. Soon it will be time for the players to talk and the fans to listen.

So I am listening--to the Tiger Fight Song, over and over again. Sing it with me:

Go Tigers Go, Go On To Victory
Be A Winner Thru And Thru
Fight Tigers, Fight Cause We're Going All The Way
Fight, Fight For The Blue And Gray And Say
Let's Go Tigers Go, Go On To Victory
See Our Colors Bright And True
It's Fight Now Without A Fear
Fight Now Let's Shout A Cheer
Shout For Dear Memphis U
Go Tigers Go
Go Tigers Go